Dear sisters, vaginal detoxification has become a trendy buzzword in the recent years. While we all know it is important to keep our inner selves fresh, it can sometimes be a challenge to figure out what to do and which option to take. With its ever increasing popularity, Yoni steaming remains a girl’s best friend.
Don’t worry about not knowing what to do, for I will take you on a step by step guide through the process of Yoni steaming and reveal to you the wondrous benefits of the various herbal ingredients that are used in this ayurvedic practice.
What is Yoni steaming?
Yoni steaming is also known as vaginal steaming or V-steaming. It is a process that allows herbal infusion to vaporize and this healing steam will enter a woman’s intimate area and cleanse, rejuvenate, regulate and protect one’s inner self and enhance sexuality and fertility. The best part of this practice is that you get to relax, lay back and just let the goodness diffuse into you!
How is Yoni steaming carried out?
The technical process is very simple, you can use a professionally designed Sitz bath seat or a large bowl of hot water (500ml to 750ml) to seep the herbs in and place the container underneath at a reasonable distance from the private area, then as you sit the therapeutic steam will infuse the vagina and deliver the magic to your core.
Besides doing it in the comfort of your own home, many wellness and/or medical spas actually offer this service in total privacy though they may be pricey. Alternative or naturopathic doctors may also offer this remedy.
How often and how long should the steaming take?
A typical treatment session should be about 20- 30 minutes, but for starters you should not go beyond 45 minutes. As with all things natural, your inner core breathes slowly and deeply so do not rush it.
The frequency depends on individual and can be tailored to the symptoms one wishes to relieve. For example, for one who needs help with menstrual regulation, it will be best to do V-steaming every month just prior to the start of the menstrual cycle.
What are the potential benefits?
This method is one of the ancient secrets passed down through generations of healers, now revolutionized by knowledge and become available to all. Many believe V-steaming works by enhancing blood flow to the vaginal tissues, thereby promoting healing.
Purported benefits of V-steaming include:
- reducing bloating and cramps
- relieving pain and dysparenuria ( pain during sexual intercourse)
- relieving itch
- reducing dryness
- balancing hormones
- boosting fertility
- boosting sexuality
- promote healing post delivery
- regulating irregular menstrual periods
- regulating menstrual flow and volume
It’s been known to possibly help with relieving symptoms associated with ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis and menopause and also ease the discomfort of hemorrhoids (piles).
For those who are emotionally or spiritually inclined, it’s a means to
- alleviate tension and stress
- calm the spirit
- assist with sleeping or relieve insomnia
- balance the “ yin” ( feminine) energy
- reducing fatigue
How to customize your own experience
Depending on the problem(s) that you aim to tackle, you can actually pick the specific herb(s) to do the job. You can even vary the proportion of a particular herb when blending a mixture to increase its infusion concentration. So ladies, we have the capability to personalize our needs and wants and now we take a look at some of the top-rated herbs commonly used for V- steaming.
The Benefits of Herbs in Yoni Steaming
Angelica sinensis is also commonly known as Dong qui, a common Chinese herb. Traditionally, it is primarily used to treat female hormonal issues, including hormonal balancing, assisting fertility, promoting blood flow and relieving menopausal symptoms like hot flushes and night sweats. Some suggest that it works by increasing circulating levels of serotonin in the body and hence reducing the severity and frequency of these symptoms.
It also promotes wound healing, decreases the inflammatory response and thereby reducing pain which means it can be used to relieve postnatal symptoms in V-steaming.
Calendula officinalis, otherwise known as Calendula, English Garden marigold or Scotch marigold, is a plant that has been used historically for treating skin ailments and for promoting wound healing, especially in postpartum women. It also has anti-inflammatory and pain reducing properties, hence in V-steaming it is commonly used for relieving symptoms due to bacterial vaginosis and vaginal yeast infection.
Caulis Spatholobi has a variety of names such as Spatholobus stem, Vine Milettia Root and “Ji Xue Teng”. Best known for its herbal powers in improving circulation and regulating menstruation, recent studies also suggest that it helps to boost the immune system in leucopenia which results from long term cancer therapy.
Club Moss has been called Lycopodium clavatum, ground pine, running pine, wolf’s claw, witch meal and stag horn. It is a widely used naturopathic remedy for urinary tract problems, kidney and digestive disorders.
In the last decade, people found that it has antioxidant properties and is effective against several strains of bacteria and fungus. These include E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans – which are a common cause of vaginal fungal infection.It can be used on its own or blended with another herb for Yoni steaming to treat bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection.
Cortex moutan also known as “Mu Dan Pi” is the root bark of Paeonia suffruticosa or Tree Peony. It is often used to calm the body, promote blood circulation and cleanse the blood. It is used commonly in the treatment of atherosclerosis, allergic rhinitis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal and dryness of the skin.
Lavender – this name originates from the Latin word Lavare meaning “to wash”. Since the times of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, it has been used for promoting overall health. Best known for easing tension and calming stress, it has helped to ease headache and tension, relieve pain and promote sleep. Lavender also has been used extensively for its anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment of acne, promotion of healthy urinary tract, as an insect repellent as well as in perfume making. In Yoni steaming it’s an all rounder and can be used to calm the system, relieve cramps, promote blood flow and fight against infection.
Motherwort got its name because it was commonly prescribed to mothers to ease their anxiety. Also called lion’s tail, lion’s ear or Queue de Lion as the plant’s leaves are like the tip of a lion’s tail. Therapeutically, it is now known to lower blood pressure, sedate and contain anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidative properties. It’s the herb of choice for use in Yoni steaming to alleviate anxiety and reduce menstrual cramps.
Mugwort which is known more commonly as Artemisia vulgaris or St John’s herb is commonly used by naturopathic practitioners to treat many health conditions. Its usage range from repelling insects, calming the nerves, relieving cramps, promoting circulation and digestion, to more specific treatments such as regulating menstrual cycle and increasing urine output as a natural diuretic in fluid retention state, hence relieving bloatedness. It’s one of the best herbs to use in all types of indication for Yoni steaming and best for starters.
Mulberry Twig or Morus Twig (Ramulus mori) is obtained from the branches of the mulberry tree, Morus alba. A traditional medicine of East Asian origin, it contains antioxidant properties that help combat inflammation and reduce cell damage in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. It also has diuretic properties to ease fluid retention and bloating.
Nutgrass or Rhizoma cyperi is a potent ayurvedic medicine remedy. With its antioxidant, antimicrobial and diuretic properties it works best against urinary tract pathogens, thereby treating urinary tract infections effectively. It also helps to stimulate menstrual flow in women and ease menstrual tension, as well as aid in post natal wound healing.
Peach kernel’s extracted oil is to be avoided if one is allergic to nut, but otherwise it is packed full of vitamins and goodness. It helps to promote blood flow and is known to relieve feminine problems such as irregular menses, heavy bleeding, uterine fibroid issues, bloating, cramps and fatigue. Regular V-steaming with this herb can perhaps help to avoid these symptoms completely.
The Middlemist Red flower or Middlemist camellia is rich in moisturizing fatty acids and is a natural skin moisturizer. Its antioxidant and collagen-boosting properties is thought to help protect from cell damage and reap anti-ageing benefits such as increasing elasticity and reducing sagging. When used in V-steaming it helps to hydrate and nourishes the vagina.
Rhizoma zingiberis, commonly called ginger, is a plant with strong anti-inflammatory abilities. It is frequently used to relieve pain, boost immunity, heal hemorrhoids and to treat fungal infection. Many ailments of the gut such as nausea and vomiting in motion sickness as well as lower abdominal bloatedness and cramps can also be relieve by its use.
Rose petal is an all rounded herbal remedy. The petals of the flower are used in making rose oil and/or rose water, which has antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory powers. As an effective astringent rose oil/rose water reduces swelling of capillaries beneath the skin and cleanses the system. The herb’s core essence is rich in antioxidants, flavanoids, tannins and vitamins A, B, C, D and E, making it a wonderful reagent for skin treatment. It is used to treat dry scaly skin, dehydration, eczema as well as various conditions like asthma, nausea, fatigue, oral ulcers, liver problems and bacterial infections of the gut and the urinary tract.
Caesalpinia Sappan linn is also known as Sappan Wood, Indian redwood and Brazil Wood. Traditionally, an extract of the wood is given as a powerful tonic to stimulate menstrual flow and for women recovering from childbirth. This is especially beneficial in regulating menses for short periods, curing amenorrhea and dysmenorrhoea. Other uses include in treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, bruise and thrombosis and certain skin diseases.
Sargent gloryvine or Hong Teng is an herb with strong blood cleansing properties and promotes blood flow, working best in feminine menstrual cramps. It is to be used however with caution by those on blood thinning or blood pressure medication and must be avoided by pregnant mothers. Its milder abilities include acting as an antibacterial, anti- inflammatory agent and as a diuretic.
Two ways to take advantage of those herbs
The first way is to get those herbs one by one and blend it your self or go the second way and get it from Fivona. Fivona blue moon recipe contains professionally blended desired herbs and its ready to use. In order to save some money, you can also make it bundle and get herbs and steam seat together from Fivona
Safety concerns
- Practice safe distancing .If the steam is too hot or too close it could burn .Do not overfill the bowl of water. Using a professional Sitz bath seat is recommended.
- Set an appropriate frequency and duration of therapy. Start with short sessions and pace the interval of the sessions. Take a therapy break when necessary. Avoid doing it during active menstruation.
- Keep the vaginal steaming equipment clean. Keep the herb(s) in an airtight sealed container, in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat, check for the “best by date” for expiration on the packaging if any.
- Do not do V- steaming if you are pregnant. This is dangerous and the hot steam could affect the pregnancy or the fetus.
- Avoid V-steaming if you have an intrauterine device (IUCD), pessary ring, hormonal or any metal implant such as genital piercing inserted.
- Consult your doctor first if you have an open wound or sore around the groin, or active vaginal infection and you intend to use V-steaming.
If you have doubts, please consult a professional for advice before starting treatment.